Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Load Capacity

As a motorist, you should understand the load-bearing capacities of your vehicle and the maximum load that you should put on it. Always ensures the load-bearing capacity by replacing tyres equally that stocks set of tyres. Load index is considered to be the upper limit of the bearing capacities of your car, including the passengers and luggage. Usually, the index is provided by the manufacturer and is mentioned on the user manual as well. You may also find it to be mentioned on the sidewall of the tyres between the diameters and the speed rating.

Speed Rating

The speed rating of the replaced tyres must also be similar or higher than the original set, and it is legally approved for use up to 168 mph (ca. 270 km/h). However, a lot of people may not be aware of the rating and may fall in potential dangers. Speed ratings are based on laboratory tests by which the tyres Northolt at 6.2 mph (ca. 10 km/h) steps. Tyres are constructed with different treads, reinforced fabric, and amount of rubber or steel cords to the performance parameters. If the vehicle has a ‘V’ speed rating and the capacity of the handling is 240 km/h and ‘U’ speed rating of a maximum speed of 200 km/h.

Sidewall and Width of the tyres

The width of the tyre is crucial to determine the load index, and how it will be upsized as per your requirement. Secondly, the sidewall of the tyres Ruislip must be in proportion, and should not be worn out. Also, on the other hand, a higher profile tyre means opting for a bigger wheel and going for a wider tyre. The length of the final reduction ratio of the transmission increases the total wheel diameter which will also increase the final reduction ratio and acceleration is decreased but a higher top speed can be reached.


If you want correct signals about your car’s speed and its RPM, you may use the speedometer of the vehicle. However, changing the stock spares of the car may disturb the readings. The larger tyres may cause the speedometer to show inaccurate readings than the actual speed, while inadequate tyres cause the meter to show faster speed than the vehicle’s actual speed. It also ensures the circumstances, Consult a professional and have your speedometer and electronic reading reconfigured if ay issue arises.

Reading the mechanical speedometer

• Locate the transmission by opening up the car’s hood

• You may need to calculate the size from the wheel’s top to the centre

• Multiply the vehicle’s revolving ratio with the teeth of the drive gear

• Contact the service centre or buy a local speedometer

• Change the speedometer by pulling out the gear cable or consult an expert